Legal actions and court cases take time to develop. The more time it takes to get your case to court, the greater the chances that your witness will move or get out of touch. Some witnesses want to avoid involvement and purposely get lost or go underground to avoid testifying or giving a statement. We can locate just about any person nationwide, no matter how long they been since missing. Our witness location and skip trace services are crafted to our client’s needs. We locate witnesses through privileged information sources and proven investigative methods. If that does not locate the witness, we will launch a physical investigation to locate there whereabouts.
Some clients are forced to rely upon witnesses who are unwilling to testify. In these instances we are highly skilled at working with the witness to alleviate any fears or misconceptions about there apprehension to testify or provide needed details. In some instances, the witness must be subpoenaed to offer testimony. Our services include process service so that once we locate your witness; it becomes clear to them that they have no options but to testify.
Chicagoland Investigative Services has located thousands of witnesses. Many times we find the subject has been unheard of for years and has relocated to another country. Other times we find them living just a few miles from there last known address. CIS investigators are skilled in locating that individual who appears lost.
We are your partner in the fight against fraud, waste and abuse.
Contact us for a consultation. 800-556-8289
Chicagoland Investigative Services saves it's clients from paying out millions of dollars in claims every year.